Tuesday 19 October 2010

Staycation, day 2

Out today to visit the Cass Sculpture Foundation in Goodwood, just to the north of Chichester.

While it's an outdoor sculpture park much like another we visited earlier this year, it very much caters to the larger (and more expensive) sculpture demographic. Even the smallest were still quite large, but I see this as a definite advantage for outdoor "galleries", where the scale of the environment can diminish conventionally-sized works. Little chance of that here (see, especially, "Alfa" below), and the works are further helped by sympathetic positioning within some lovely grounds.


This one, "Woman", was definitely one of my favourites (and not just because of the sculpture abuse possibilities). From a distance it first appeared to be a visitor to the park, but as we got closer its scale became more obviously alien. It should have been a little representational for my tastes, but the quality of the representation, as well as its intrinsically otherworldly size, made it stand out to me.


"Alfa" is the biggest and best example of giantism in the sculpture at the Cass park. A bright orange loop of steel tubing, it towers above all of the neighbouring sculptures and even the trees that fill the park. So it's immediately impressive, if rather difficult to photograph.


Another attractive one, almost like a child's mobile, is "Sun and Moon", a big-scale (though not up to that of "Alfa") work representing, obviously enough, the sun (background) and the moon (foreground). Doubling up as our lunch site, this got more scrutiny that many of the others.


After finishing up at the park, we headed down to nearby Chichester for a trawl around the shops and a visit to the city's impressive cathedral. The latter visit also drew in a great coffee and cake stop - a theologically perplexing use of the Lord's House. Was this a watering of the attendant faithful, or an angling for the attention of the faithless using lemon cake as bait? Either way, the cathedral was an excellent stop.

As ever, there's a full set of photographs over at Flickr.

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