Friday 11 January 2008

What happened to December?

The usual run up to Christmas and New Year is what happened. Still, that only really applies to the tail end of December - prior to that simple laziness conspired to leave my blog vacuous (well, vacuous-in-the-lack-of-words sense).

Sticking to tradition, my birthday involved a trip up to London for various art exhibitions and get-togethers with friends. The big one was "Pop Art Portraits" at the National Portrait Gallery. Although it wasn't particularly large, it covered a good range of artists (including favourite Warhol), and also afforded a chance to see 2007's Photographic Portrait Prize. We also took in the Millais exhibition at Tate Britain. Although I tend to write-off artists from his era as typically "chocolate-boxy", this was really enjoyable. Finished the day off with dinner with C's friend A, and with Dr. M. Good to see both as ever. I've promised to do more evening trips up to London to see Dr. M - they're always a lot of fun, but I so rarely make the effort. I'd make it a "New Year's Resolution" if I weren't so likely to break it.

Christmas was also preceded by the so-called "Biomodellers Lunch" ...
... which went pretty well again. Better, I'd say, than last year's. This time round we managed to persuade more of the attendees to visiting drinking establishments post-meal. Then again, this time round we stacked the deck with "biomodellers and friends" who were much easier to persuade.

Christmas was the traditional jet-ride home to Scotland. Begun, this time, with a non-traditional rental car puncture just outside Perth (which, annoyingly, I'm going to have to pay for). Anyway, got to see my parents, brothers and friends as per usual. Managed to squeeze a hike in with G ...
... and finally met brother S's new girlfriend. The latter experience is now somewhat less clear on account of alcohol consumption. Also caught up with the various offspring of my friends. Everything seems to be going in the right direction there - not least in the toilet-training department (after 2006's debacle). G's daughter has come on hugely since my last visit - I was particularly impressed with her training in politeness. Spectacular for one only 18 months old.

New Year (back down south) afforded an evening with A, J and my god-daughter. It was nice, though things will be better once said god-daughter's a bit more settled. Only rarely did we get A and J at the same time.

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