Sunday 20 February 2011

Labile stamina

One of the victims of my twisted ankle has been my cycling. Bar a stint living in Leamington Spa at the end of my studies there (it was a little too far on scary roads), I've pretty much been cycling every weekday since I first moved to U. Warwick in autumn 1993. So my eight week lay-up has been, by far, the (second) longest stint I've been off the saddle. Anyway, today I got back on to test out my ankle (after a good 15 minutes spent de-rusting my chain). The good news is that it looks like cycling doesn't put much strain on my busted ligaments. The bad news is that my break from two wheels has sapped my stamina back to featherweight class. I suspect I'm going to have to take it easy getting back to self-powered commuting. C's not off taxi duty just yet.

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